Real Prayers Written by Everyday Men


A Journey Through Life… Together.


“For those Incarcerated” by Custodian


A Father’s Prayer

Lord, I thank you for the precious gift of this child. I thank you for bestowing unto me this responsibility and honor. Lord, please help me to raise this boy in a way that honors…

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Loss of a Wife

Abba Father.. I say Hallelujah. Thine The Glory LORD. You are HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, and I praise you and thank you for all you have given me and all that you allow in my life….

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Author’s Prayer

Dear God, it is my sincere prayer that this compilation of prayers will allow many men to see how wonderfully accessible you are. If these prayers by men from many walks of life offer consolation…

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For those Incarcerated

Posted in Difficult Times Prison Special Prayers

Papa God, I pray for those incarcerated AND those who chose to work within the confines. Nowhere is there more misconception about what goes on “in there”. Please give understanding that not everyone sentenced is…

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Chaplain’s Prayer

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Our Father in Heaven, Perhaps as other men, I begin my prayer today with mixed emotions and thoughts of my own joys and pains.  If I look at the world and my circumstances through the…

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Posted in Difficult Times

Our Heavenly Father, I come before your Throne of Grace in the Name of our Redeemer and Lord, Jesus Christ, as Your Word directs me, to seek your will, wisdom and help, in this season…

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