In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;
Holy and merciful God, creator and sustainer of all life, although my job is gone, I know that you my God are not gone. My financial stability and security were vaporized in one meeting.
I am not worthy of your care and compassion, yet you have abundantly blessed me. May the fiery furnace of this affliction refine my heart from the filth of my sins. Forgive me of my sin of insufficient gratitude for your unmerited provisions, and for the full and free forgiveness granted me through the gift of faith in the life, death and resurrection of your Son Jesus the Christ.
Thank you for the grace and care you have and continue to provide me and my family. Continue to reassure us of your rich provisions. Let no hint of bitterness take root in my heart. Rather continue to bless my former employer with success. Lord, help me to surrender to you and your will. Use this time to increase my humble dependence upon you. Let me not get ahead of you or seek to gratify my ego or ambitions. Give me an opportunity to earn a living where my given abilities can best be utilized. Grant me patience and perseverance during this difficult time of transition.
Lover of my soul, comfort me with your presence. Quench my thirst and calm the fears of my troubled heart with your living and refreshing word. Sustain me in my moments of discouragement. Draw me more securely into your loving arms and make me content in this life and the life to come.
For it is in the name of your Son Jesus that I trust and pray, Amen
Author JP who was laid off his career job in 2014 after twenty years of faithful service submits this prayer expressing a kind spirit toward his former employer and his faith that God is at work even in this setback.