A Journey Through Life… Together

A Father’s Prayer

Posted in Family Life

Lord, I thank you for the precious gift of this child. I thank you for bestowing unto me this responsibility and honor.

Lord, please help me to raise this boy in a way that honors you. Lord, help me to share your love with him.

Lord, help me to prepare my son for the world that he will inhabit. Help me to protect him from harm. Help me to instill the values he will need to navigate this life. Above all, help me to teach him about you.

Lord, you know my weaknesses. Please fill these gaps and allow me to be the father that my son deserves. Lord, help me to live my life in a way that shows your goodness. Let my son see my love for you so that he might follow. Let our home be a refuge for him; a home filled with love and compassion.

Lord, finally, I thank you for all of the many blessings you have given me. Please help me to be a humble and thankful servant of yours.

In Jesus name, amen.

MT is a father of a seven year old boy, his only child. MT became a Christian as an adult.



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