A Journey Through Life… Together


Posted in Difficult Times

Our Heavenly Father,

I come before your Throne of Grace in the Name of our Redeemer and Lord, Jesus Christ, as Your Word directs me, to seek your will, wisdom and help, in this season of my life. I acknowledge and confess in agreement with your Word, that even though I do not understand all the reasons for the situation and circumstances I experience today, that You, in your everlasting love, wisdom and Divine Providence, have sovereignly arranged the circumstances of my life today, for the purpose to train me and build my character in the true love and faith, as I continue to diligently seek your Face and will for my life. I thank you Lord, for your mercy and patience with me each day, thank you for your loving-kindness every moment of my existence, as you patiently take time to teach me, direct my path and remind me through your Holy Spirit the lessons of faith pertaining to all aspects of our lives, taught by our Lord Jesus Christ, His Apostles, and all the prophets in the Bible.

Thank you, that during this season of personal challenges in my life, I can fully trust only in You, as I reject the temptation to lean on my own understanding. Your Word teaches us, that in so many ways, as all your saints in the faith, throughout all generations were subject to your Divine training and discipline of suffering, today, all of us – Your children in Christ – have been predestined to inherit your riches and Kingdom which are in Christ Jesus, as we partake in the suffering of Christ, sharing with our Lord the measure of His Joy and His passion, for which He endured death on the Cross to redeem us from sin and death; He did all this, for the Joy of sharing eternity with all of us whom You have foreknown and predestined to believe in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord, I pray that you would enlighten my spiritual understanding, so that I will pass the tests and understand the lessons which You teach me. Help me to have a Heavenly perspective, as I experience suffering in different areas, degrees of intensity and varying lengths of time in my life. Thank you for teaching me and equipping me to pass the tests in my life, as you lead me to a greater measure of faith and maturity in my spiritual growth. Thank you Lord, that you put boundaries and you never allow a test or temptation in my life, beyond what I can bear, and with the temptation, you provide the way to escape also, so that I will be able to endure it!

Lord, help me together with all the saints to know the mind of Christ, and to gain an ever-deeper insight and perspective into the past, present and future challenges which confront us during our lifetime. Help us grow in ever greater measure of love, faith and hope, as we press on toward the goal of the Heavenly calling, from where we await our Savior. Enable us to perceive and grasp by your grace and Spirit through faith the Heavenly realities as we grow into mature sons and daughters, worthy to be called your children, brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus, co-heirs in Christ of your Heavenly Kingdom.

May we continue to uphold and encourage one another, as the Day of our Lord Jesus is drawing near! May we learn to continually walk in victory and to fully possess our spiritual inheritance in Christ, which you have prepared in Heaven for us, through the Eternal Covenant sealed by the shed Blood of Your Son, and by the power of Your Holy Spirit.

All this, I pray in the Name of Jesus and give all the Glory now and forever to Your Name!

This prayer was written by an individual involved in organizing musical concerts around the world. Also, he is a student of the Bible and expresses his concerns about the impact of adversity in our lives, whatever we may do for a living.



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