A Journey Through Life… Together

By a Pastor for Church

Posted in Church, Community, Nation


Thank you so much for the gift that you intended the church to be. In our humanity, we have so often failed to be that gift; we have hurt people and turned them away from you, with our hypocrisy and judgment. Lord, I am sorry for every time we have done that. And, I pray now that you will help us rediscover the church that you planned for us to be. Specifically, Lord I pray that you will enable us to be a place where your grace prevails. A place where everybody can find a welcome, can belonging, can experience your love and can go on to step into the freedom and joy that you grace leads us to.

I pray that you will enable us to be a place where people can meet with you. May we not be focused on rules or regulations but on nurturing a relationship with you and seeking the life in all its fullness that you promise to give us through it.

I pray that you will enable us to be a place of restoration. May our church be a place where everyone can become more fully the person you have made them to be. May we know your healing power and what it is to be truly free Lord!

And I pray that you will enable us to be a source of life to the world. Lord you have prepared good works in advance for us to do. Release us into those works Jesus, and Help us to make a real difference to those in need around us.

As you do this Lord, I pray lastly, for your protection. I pray you guard us from every attempt of the devil to sow discontent and disunity in our midst. Draw us into prayer, help us make our stand against his every scheme and keep us humble enough to keep short accounts with each other. Help us to stand as one in unity Jesus so that, as it says in John, the world will know the love you have for us.

I pray all these things in your powerful name,


This prayer is offered by a pastor of a small non-denomination church in Charlotte, NC.



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