A Journey Through Life… Together

Category: Church, Community, Nation

Chaplain’s Prayer

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Our Father in Heaven, Perhaps as other men, I begin my prayer today with mixed emotions and thoughts of my own joys and pains.  If I look at the world and my circumstances through the…

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An Immigrant

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Dear Ahayah (God), I come humbly and patiently with a tremendous faith I grew up having in you because you’ve never let me, my family and friends down. I pray for my country Ghana and…

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The Homeless

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Abba Father, Thank you that we call You Abba Father through the HOLY SPIRIT who lives in us as we come know the saving Grace of JESUS our Lord and Savior. No longer are we…

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By a Pastor for Church

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Jesus, Thank you so much for the gift that you intended the church to be. In our humanity, we have so often failed to be that gift; we have hurt people and turned them away…

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On Work

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Lord, I thank you for the privilege of working in our family business all my adult life. I love working here; it is a huge blessing in my life. My hope and prayer is that…

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Prayer for Military Personnel

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Dear God, please watch over our servicemen & women around the world, particularly those in harm’s way. Bless them with physical, mental, moral, and spiritual strength. Bless their efforts with success. Take to you the…

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