A Journey Through Life… Together

Chaplain’s Prayer

Posted in Church, Community, Nation

Our Father in Heaven,

Perhaps as other men, I begin my prayer today with mixed emotions and thoughts of my own joys and pains.  If I look at the world and my circumstances through the prism of joy, there is much to celebrate.  As Moses marked the doors of the children of Israel allowing the angel of death to pass over their homes, so I have been marked with the blood of Jesus Christ.  My future is secure and the life I now live is markedly different as a result of living for the One who has bought me and given me abundant life.  Yet, at the same time, I live in the real world; a world that is inhabited by fallen men and broken systems.  My own sin and habitual patterns of thought and practice contribute to my disappointments and pain.  I long to be free and live as an overcomer with sights fixed completely upon the joy that is now mine, but there is still much to learn.  I pray this morning for other men who perhaps feel as I do – longing for the promised victory that seems marred by daily personal defeats.

At the same time, Lord, I think about others.  As a minister of Christ who finds his calling to the men and women of our military, I pray specifically for the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coastguardians who find themselves living a life of service to our nation.  While our nation has tended to celebrate their service and valiant contributions in recent years, service men and women are frequently misunderstood.  Our military culture is foreign to those who have never served.  Instead of focusing on the frustrations and misunderstandings, help us rather to be content with our wages (Luke 3:14) and fulfilled in having done our duty (Luke 17:10).  In times of cultural chaos, I pray that service men and women would find peace in knowing God through Jesus Christ.  As in other times in our history, revival has often taken place in the military and then had a leavening effect on our culture.  May it be so in our generation!  To that end help those who labor in the gospel to not lose hope.

Finally, Lord, as you have instructed us to pray for leaders, I pray for those in leadership positions in our nation.  Even though our democratic system is designed to produce necessary corrections and inevitable friction, I pray that unnecessary and harsh criticisms would give way to a spirit of teamwork and collaboration that would prevail in our national, state, and local governments.  Help leaders to realize that the place of servant leadership they have been given is for the benefit of enabling the people to “lead and peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Tim 2:1-2).

All of these requests and desires are only possible through the finished work of Christ and the Holy Spirit’s convicting work in our hearts.  Be pleased to do these supernatural tasks through vessels as frail as us that You be given the glory.

I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Provided by a military chaplain with 14 years of service to our nation.



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