A Journey Through Life… Together

Loss of a Wife

Posted in Difficult Times

Abba Father.. I say Hallelujah. Thine The Glory LORD. You are HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, and I praise you and thank you for all you have given me and all that you allow in my life. May these things serve to draw me closer to you through the ever present, guiding hand of The Holy Spirit. I know that you have always been with me and I thank you, that you created me for a purpose and gave me spiritual gifts and special talents to achieve this purpose and I see that the purpose has a process, and as I have grown older, I see now that the process is the purpose. Thank you for your wisdom.

I thank you for your forgiveness of my sins through Christ my Lord; a night of rest and this new day. I thank you for good health and joy in my heart knowing Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I also thank you for the full armor of God that protects me, my family and those I pray for, in the spiritual realm. So I put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, my feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, and in addition to all lf this, I take up the shield of faith and most of all, the sword of the Spirit, the precious Word of God. Thank you that you give me understanding of your Word and how I can apply it to my life.

Those beautiful souls who have graced my life, those you permitted me to know and love. My wife and my children above all the others.Thank you for them; they filled my life with joy even though there were trying times, your purpose was served. I thank for the time in prayer that allowed me to go back in my family history for twenty generations and come against the generational curses that have caused such problems. They have stopped with me. They are no more.

You gave me a group of men to mentor me and pray for me and be with me through this process of life; with the times of grief and loss. It was easier with them ever present all these years. You knew I would need them to hold on to… Thank you, LORD.

You also knew the time would come, for me to go on alone with the loss of my wife; souls ripped apart by death; the unending tears… the months that would pass in sorrow. The men you sent were there, to carry me through. As I now look back on my marriage, Lord, I ask you to forgive me for not understanding the depth of the marriage covenant; this spiritual joining together of two souls. What a wonderful gift from you. Finally Lord, I thank you, that in your Grace and Love, the marriage covenant was fulfilled and I am released to begin a new life.

Help me Lord to teach other men how to be the spiritual head of their home, so that they would not miss what you had designed for marriage.

Through these past 80 years, LORD, you have taught that I should, ‘Consider the Lilies’, that is, to live a life of faith. What a wonderful way to live a life guided by The Holy Spirit.

Thank you for hearing my prayer through Jesus my Lord.

PD offers a prayer of both loss and thanksgiving centered on his love of his wife and family. He also expresses his appreciation for those who were there for him during the transition without his wife.



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